game review 2

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Fix it with Food is the name of this web game
it's very simple,it's purpose is to learn about food
this game still needs lots of work visually but given that age group and the experience of the group who made it,I'll let it slide.

anyways it's good enough to do it's job,to teach you

well that's all I can think of for a review

Game review 1

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stop disasters is the tittle of this web game and the purpose is simple to avoid any deaths in disasters

you learn very quickly that you don't have a large sum of money, so you have to pick and chose
so there is a lot of risk taking with in this game.

I think the developer want you to actually think when you spend money in this game
the visually don't look bad nor looks good but as for the concept I think it did it's job fairly well

this game is very user friendly,It is clear the goal of the game

there not much you can suggest for this game for improvement,I don't know a hard mode maybe.

i have no clue what i want to learn from this game.maybe the menu coding and the loading screen.

anyways that's the end of my review

expanding game idea

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ok i done some thinking more on my game idea avoiding using words like "it's going to be like" cause that just lacks originality,anyways

well my thoughts branched in many different directions,first most all these ideas for platformers,these a just starter plots and setting.anyways moving on

my first idea is shooter it will basically, It will be a time traveler going in the setting of world war two.The reason why this time traveler will be unexpanded for now.what i can tell you he is not alone.

my other idea is a other shooter you play as someone who just join a special ops unit when things just go odd

ok this one is puzzle/action game idea , our hero's village is infected with a rare illness and our hero when to search for a cure.

I still have many more ideas, but I have so much it's hard to dig it out sometimes

so please give me feedback about these ideas

my spriting work

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ok i wanted to show you guys my past sprite work,this is for a idie game i am making and tell me what you think =D
i have over experienced 6 years in spriting

so far

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well as far ideas for a game i am planing a simple platformer. I will later design it in greater detail.for now lets see

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hello my name is Alex this my blog for my game design class.